
This category is dedicated to inner development, where self-work takes place without close contact with other people. Here, you will find material related to spiritual development, the secrets of the inner world, uncovering abilities, and life management.

What is self-realization?
The human mind possesses an innate ability for self-analysis and understanding of its own nature. This process of self-analysis is called self-realization. It forms the basis for any spiritual growth and development.

Self-realization is the process of understanding one’s true nature. In other words, it is the awareness that there is something greater than what we see with our eyes. We are not just our bodies but also our minds. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs are part of our essence. They are as much a part of us as our hands, legs, and face.

It is said that a person should transcend their capabilities. This means that we should strive to achieve more than we think we can. If we don’t try to go beyond our limits, we will never fully realize our potential.

Self-realization is not something that happens overnight. It requires practice and effort. However, once we begin to understand ourselves, we gain an understanding of who we truly are. This allows us to take control of our lives and make the necessary changes.